Crime Punishment and Universal Law

September 20, 2005 at 10:58:53 p.m.

America is a courageous country, but it is not tough in handling its internal issues. And there is a real difference between courage and toughness. I have seen men in battle do courageous deeds and not be able to deal with other people on a common basis. Our lack of toughness is no more evident then in our handling of domestic issues, especially that of rampant crime.

The answer to this overwhelming problem is not more police or more prisons, neither of which can possibly deter the criminally inclined. But there is an answer and it will need a toughness that this country has been more than reluctant to demonstrate. To meet crime and the criminal, we must be willing to initiate the same system of law by which the Universe operates. Nothing less will work.

Universal Law works on the reality of equality-cause and effect. That law states that nothing initiated can bring greater or lesser result than the intensity of the cause that started the event. From this Universal Law comes the simple code of Life. Good begets good and evil begets evil-and always in equal response. Like it or not, it finds its way into many religious writings as “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.”

Granted, that seems to be a tough approach. But that’s the point. To answer evil with good (yes, there is a phrase that says, “turn the other cheek”) is an exercise in futility. Ask the Jews of the European ghettos during Hitler’s reign, or the starving children of Africa, or the innocents of Sarajevo. Giving criminals a warm bed, a TV, medical attention, legal access and a basketful of other perks in return for their criminal activities is never going to effect the pattern of crime in America. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers are living a better life in prison that a good portion of our society enjoys in a state of social freedom. There is no way that one can make a case for this being right!

Violent crime must be met with a deterrent equal to the crime. The person who commits a violent crime should have no rights to a shield of democratic protection. Our overemphasis in protecting a “system” we believe in has now developed a society whose use of that system against its worse internal cancer will eventually insure its destruction.

In the Universal Law, retribution is swift and just. Again, the punishment fits the crime, no more, no less. It would take a good deal of dedicated change for this country to develop a criminal justice system that would meet the criteria. It would be difficult, but it is not impossible. But it will never happen as long as bleeding-heart constitutionalists and dreamy do-gooders are allowed to slap white paint over this ever-blackening fence.

Tough situations require tough action. And so far, there has been no move at any level to implement such a program. Perhaps it is time to take a lesson from history. When taxation without representation became too oppressive to the Colonists, we had the Boston Tea Party and the resulting Revolution. The violence of crime in this country cannot be met with anything less than a Revolution, and if it doesn’t come from those who can Constitutionally and legally effect it, then it will come from the people. The difference is equality by law and order or equality by guns and bloodshed. Universal Cause and Effect works everywhere and cannot over time be denied or avoided. – GT