Retrograde Alert 2022 – Ruler 2


Our next Retrograde for 2022, Ruler #2 is almost upon us and thankfully it only lasts approximately 3 weeks. This retrograde gives us the opportunity to make sure that we are following our personal methodology according to our Fixed Star contract with regard to our Decision Making processes.

The key condition of this retrograde is the interruption and/or the blockage of communication. On a global level it can mean anything from solar flares that play havoc with electronic communications, to world leaders losing important contact among themselves and acting on less than valid information. Movement of important documents or the necessary completion of projects and goals are often victims of this retrograde. Impatience is clearly an enemy of the powerful during this time.

In personal terms, mail is often disrupted or lost as well as a breakdown of communication via phone or email. Lost checks as in “it’s in the mail” are common cries during this period. It often causes most people to get very edgy because things aren’t running smoothly. The hurry-up attitude will add to pushing you over the cliff. The Universe is giving you the opportunity to take a deep breath and move with clarity. Before you dive in, is there water in the pool? Remember the outcome in the children’s story of the tortoise and the hare. It will serve as a valuable format during the Ruler #2 retrograde. Listed below are other possible conditions influenced by this retrograde and some recommendations for “best use” during this time period.

1. Back up all of your electronic equipment before this retrograde begins. This is critical. Do not purchase electronic equipment during this retrograde.

2. Use extreme caution before signing important documents. Don’t sign papers you don’t clearly understand. If this can be delayed until this retrograde has turned direct, it would be wise to do so.

3. Slow down your actions. Make sure that you are truly hearing/reading what the other party is trying to impart.

4. Get on top of your time management.

5. Watch all financial details.

6. Check repairs to make sure they have been done as stated.

7. This is not a good time to start new projects.

8. This is not a good time to undergo health procedures that require major surgery.

9. This is a great time to go back over previously started projects to fine-tune or make any necessary adjustments to them. Be aware that you may have to do this several times.

10. This is also a good time to go back to your Fixed Star Analysis and review your position in the Decision Making area. Time to correct or fine tune your agreed methodology so that you can move forward more efficiently when Ruler #2 goes direct.

Ruler #2 retrograde will transit one of the ten different event angles in your personal Bicircadian chart. That specific event angle will give you insight into which area you need to be extra mindful of for the decision making process. Reviewing your Personal Bicircadian Calendar for Ruler #2 position during this time frame will give you that event angle information. Don’t have your calendar? Call or email us for ordering details.

The more we are aware of retrograde conditions and their possible influences, the more we are able to navigate through our life experiences with greater control and clarity.

My very best to each and EveryONE of you!

PS: Some relief news! Once the #3 Ruler goes direct on January 29, 2022 and this #2 Ruler goes direct on February 4, 2022 we will be completely Retrograde free until the latter part of April 2022!


Retrograde Alert 2022 – Ruler 6


The energy impress of this ruler focuses on close personal relationships (and self love), and as such, can take its place as one of the most emotional of all the retrogrades. It also has influence on your home, your health, your family and your atmosphere. If you can avoid starting (starting is the key word here) any major home projects during this period or buying and selling your home it would be to your advantage. The same can be said about medical procedures that are not emergencies or life threatening in nature, as recuperation time tends to be slower during a Ruler #6 retrograde.

On a global scale it tends to pull attention away from large national issues and involve the individual in personal matters of the heart. On the surface, that is not too dangerous, but if we are depending upon world leaders to be WORLD leaders, we can’t be too comfortable knowing that they are struggling through bouts with their mate or ordeals with their significant other. But then humans are human and we are all in the same boat. It is a pity that there isn’t some global valentine that we could send them to make them happy.

Personally, issues can be very difficult. If you’re in a relationship you need to tread lightly. This goes for those family dynamics as well. Feathers can be ruffled in the slightest breeze and misunderstanding is commonplace. Take a long look at timing. Many confrontations can be avoided if you will just delay your comments an hour or so. Remember that the distance between one’s lips and their ear is only about 6 inches. A hasty word however can dig a chasm so wide it can’t ever be filled.

Creative endeavors can suffer somewhat under this retrograde. Give yourself more space to do the things you want to do and be kind to yourself. Creative stress can be devastating because it often promotes self-destructive tendencies. When making purchases for your personal closet or vanity don’t buy on impulse. Sleep on it because it may not look at all enticing the next day. Patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day but Pompeii was destroyed overnight.

Ruler #6 affects our relationships, home, health, atmosphere, and family will last approximately 4 months. This will give us plenty of time to make the necessary adjustments in the areas of our relationships and with our emotions. Go to your Personal Fixed Star Analysis and review the methodology you agreed to use with regard to these areas. Check your Personal Bicircadian Calendar to see in which event angle the 6th Ruler will be traveling through during this retrograde time period. This will be the life event area that will be highlighted for those activities. Put your focus there to make the necessary refinements. This is not an easy retrograde but it can certainly help us make positive improvements and new discoveries within the event angles it will touch. Don’t have your personal calendar? Call or email us to order yours! Keep breathing deeply and remember to be extra kind to yourself and then to all your fellow travelers.

Out Of Office Notice

Hello EveryONE!

I will be out of pocket for the next couple of weeks beginning on Friday – February 18, 2022. I will have very limited access to email during this time and our office will be closed. Please be assured I will respond to your requests at the earliest opportunity upon my return.

I’m delighted to report that we are retrograde free until the end of April 2022 so let’s all enjoy this particular respite!

My very best to each and EveryONE of you,



“Dear Readers,

“I find more anymore that people are abandoning themselves to the pressures of our times. In these vital hours and days, it is essential that you give yourself time to retreat from the world and its incessant battles. Give yourself space to turn back into yourself in love and caring for what may be moments, hours, days or perhaps a few weeks. A little liniment of self appreciation will do wonders in healing those bruised spiritual muscles.

“Self love, in the form of self caring and restoration is essential to both body and spirit. Maybe you do not do everything “right” and maybe you did not come out a winner in every race. The truth of the matter is, all you have to do is to give it your best shot. That is all that is required – nothing more, nothing less.

“Remember, that almost everyone else has their own dragons to slay. Most people have no interest in cheering you on while they are protecting their own backsides. Rather than waiting for their approval, sit down and have a talk with yourself. Remind yourself how much you have accomplished, how brave you are, how committed you are to the job at hand and how fortunate you are to have abundant opportunities to learn.

“Also remember you are a child of the Universe. Love prevails and flows through you as caring nourishment. Be at peace and harmony with yourself. Smile at the world. Offer light in a sea of darkness. And, above all, appreciate your uniqueness and presence in the Universal scheme of things. Without your unique individuality none of us would survive.” – Gregge Tiffen

Retrograde Alert 2022 – Ruler 2


Our FIRST new Retrograde for 2022, Ruler #2 is almost upon us and thankfully it only lasts approximately 3 weeks. This retrograde gives us the opportunity to make sure that we are following our personal methodology according to our Fixed Star contract with regard to our Decision Making processes.

The key condition of this retrograde is the interruption and/or the blockage of communication. On a global level it can mean anything from solar flares that play havoc with electronic communications, to world leaders losing important contact among themselves and acting on less than valid information. Movement of important documents or the necessary completion of projects and goals are often victims of this retrograde. Impatience is clearly an enemy of the powerful during this time.

In personal terms, mail is often disrupted or lost as well as a breakdown of communication via phone or email. Lost checks as in “it’s in the mail” are common cries during this period. It often causes most people to get very edgy because things aren’t running smoothly. The hurry-up attitude will add to pushing you over the cliff. The Universe is giving you the opportunity to take a deep breath and move with clarity. Before you dive in, is there water in the pool? Remember the outcome in the children’s story of the tortoise and the hare. It will serve as a valuable format during the Ruler #2 retrograde. Listed below are other possible conditions influenced by this retrograde and some recommendations for “best use” during this time period.

1. Back up all of your electronic equipment before this retrograde begins. This is critical. Do not purchase electronic equipment during this retrograde.

2. Use extreme caution before signing important documents. Don’t sign papers you don’t clearly understand. If this can be delayed until this retrograde has turned direct, it would be wise to do so.

3. Slow down your actions. Make sure that you are truly hearing/reading what the other party is trying to impart.

4. Get on top of your time management.

5. Watch all financial details.

6. Check repairs to make sure they have been done as stated.

7. This is not a good time to start new projects.

8. This is not a good time to undergo health procedures that require major surgery.

9. This is a great time to go back over previously started projects to fine-tune or make any necessary adjustments to them. Be aware that you may have to do this several times.

10. This is also a good time to go back to your Fixed Star Analysis and review your position in the Decision Making area. Time to correct or fine tune your agreed methodology so that you can move forward more efficiently when Ruler #2 goes direct.

Ruler #2 retrograde will transit one of the ten different event angles in your personal Bicircadian chart. That specific event angle will give you insight into which area you need to be extra mindful of for the decision making process. Reviewing your Personal Bicircadian Calendar for Ruler #2 position during this time frame will give you that event angle information. Don’t have your calendar? Call or email us for ordering details.

The more we are aware of retrograde conditions and their possible influences, the more we are able to navigate through our life experiences with greater control and clarity.

My very best to each and EveryONE of you!

PS: Some relief news! Once the #3 Ruler goes direct on January 29, 2022 and this #2 Ruler goes direct on February 4, 2022 we will be completely Retrograde free until the latter part of April 2022!


The 2021 Winter Solstice Gift

Hello EveryONE and Happy Winter Solstice!

The Winter Solstice is an annual event when Nature reaches a peak point and, by habit, releases all the activity and pressures that have occurred upon Her during the past twelve months. At the point of Winter Solstice when Nature releases Her year, a new cycle instantly begins. This has occurred since Planet Earth came into existence or the Planet would be extinct by now. However, humans are possessors by nature, and we are unwilling to let go. Changes are then forced upon us year after year from the pressure of energy that builds up within the syndrome of the unwillingness to let go of all that occurred during the previous twelve months.

This year the Winter Solstice takes place on December 21, 2021, and we would all be so wise to take some time on that very special day to refresh our bodies, minds and spirits with the promise of personal renewal. Let us release the activities and pressures of the old cycle. Let us put ourselves into the flow of earth’s harmony that is the new energy we can carry with us throughout the coming year.

“The decades of the 1980’s, 1990’s, 2000’s, 2010’s and now the 2020’s have not been quiet, simple years. The intensity of energy and the excessive pressures were and are higher than they have been in a quarter of a million years. The test of fire for purification, physically, mentally and spiritually is not a test of survival or about how strong we are, but rather of how wise we are. Change is essential.” – Gregge Tiffen

Our gift to you this year from G-Systems International is presented below. Have a joyous “letting go” of the old cycle and a gentle and peaceful “ welcoming” of the new. It’s important! Why? Because each of us is as significantly important as any other element in the whole Universe of galaxies, solar systems and planets and, as important members of the universal family, we are each in a position that is exactly what it is meant to be.

The 2021 Winter Solstice Gift

The following is a brief introduction to special information Gregge has provided for us to use with our Bicircadian Charts and calendars as it pertains to the position of the first ruler at The Winter Solstice. This ruler’s position on December 21, 2021 is at 1.9 degrees. Pull out your Bicircadian and locate that degree on your natal chart. Now look at the life event angle in which that 1.9 degree is located. (Your personal Bicircadian calendar will automatically give you this information) The life event angle at that 1.9 degree mark is where your new cycle starting December 21, 2021 until December 20, 2022 will be. Look at the list below to identify the life event angle and the characteristics of the life events it represents for you in the coming new cycle.

ANGLE I – This is a cycle to adjust your activities around self focus and self intensity in order to get the most out of your year ahead.

ANGLE II – This is a cycle to be careful about taking on more than you can do or more than you need. Acquiring excesses will cause you delays.

ANGLE III -This is a cycle where there will be an intense increase in your creative output. You will see spontaneous results before you understand what you are doing.

ANGLE IV – This is a cycle where you will find yourself doing things that you avoided doing in 2021 as it pertains to world systems of all kinds.

ANGLE V – This is a cycle where a geographical house move is almost certain. You will also find yourself moving into new attitudes that have significance for a very long time.

ANGLE VI – This is a cycle for positive selfishness and getting things that enhance your vitality and self improvement.

ANGLE VII – This is a cycle where you practically stumble upon startling information from sources that were previously obscure to you.

ANGLE VIII – This is a cycle of monetary abundance that might take control over you unless you exercise a great deal of discipline. Expect a year of material gain.

ANGLE IX – This is a cycle where you will find yourself very sensitive to world events. Be aware of how affected you allow yourself to become.

ANGLE X – This is a cycle where you feel like a reluctant dragon either being dragged into the future by a chariot or tied behind it with ropes. Decide upon your fashion of participation.

* If you have not had your Bicircadian Chart done, wish to order your Personal Bicircadian Calendar, or if you would like a consultation regarding these life event angles and ruler positions indicated on your personal Bicircadian Charts or Calendars, please call our office to set up an appointment.

Have a beautiful renewal at Winter Solstice and my very best to each and EveryONE of you!


PS: Our offices will be closed from December 21, 2021, through December 27, open on December 28, 29 and 30 and then closed again until January 2, 2022.

Retrograde Alert 2021 – Ruler 3


The energy impress of Ruler #3 emphasizes the ego area of your Fixed Star Analysis and Bicircadian chart. By definition, ego is the act by which you make your statements of conviction. The 3rd Ruler has not been in a retrograde position since 2018. Please take deep breaths everyone as we move through this very touchy and potentially explosive time period. Although Ruler #3 is a relatively short retrograde it is a potent one and when combined with the conditions of the Retrograde Ruler #10 where our ability to see the future is somewhat hampered, we must remember that the Law of Cause and Effect never sleeps. What we cause when our egos run unchecked will have an effect in the future.

“This Ruler #3 retrograde focus is on issues of people getting along with people. It tends to turn the simplest of conversations into bitter confrontations. The reason is this particular retrograde draws out the worst issues of the “spoiled child” that lies within each of us.

Sometimes the issue simply ends up in which one party feels that they are not getting enough attention while the other party feels they are overworked, underpaid, and should be given a vacation that includes unlimited spending money and no time limit as to when they need to return. This is very difficult, to say the least.

Even those who deal on national and international levels don’t escape this effect. It can often deteriorate into who has the biggest gun and whose ball it is; and if I can’t play I’ll take my ball and go home.

During this retrograde it will be the little things that count. Every molehill is a potential mountain and every itch can become a raging infection. Self-discipline is a MUST. Bite your tongue and count to 10 or 15 or whatever. Stop playing the “poor little me” game, as everyone has his or her own little red wagon to pull.

Remember that everything is more sensitive than it appears. Glass is really fine crystal and the ice over the water is only a reflection. Step very lightly!” – GT

Now that the message about Ruler # 3 retrograde is out of the way, please know that we will be sending out a December Inside Line newsletter this month in honor and celebration of Winter Solstice 2021. Watch for it in your inbox sometime before December 21st. It will be an uplifting piece we promise.
My very best to each and EveryONE of you!

Retrograde Alert 2021 – Ruler 10


Ruler #10 appears to go retrograde, from our vantage point on planet Earth, beginning August 18, 2021, through January 18, 2022. 

The energy impress of this ruler emphasizes the future, goals, and innovation areas. No fancy footwork or slipshod methods are allowed if you are going to use this retrograde to your advantage. It’s to your benefit to reference your Fixed Star contract in the area of Future and Goals for further support in identifying how you agreed to use your specific tools in this area. This is the energy that identifies attitudes about long-range plans and how we manage, innovate and create our future goals. 

The following information is for your consideration as possible conditions to be aware of during the retrograde activity of Ruler #10: 

1. The effect of this retrograde is almost never felt in the present time frame but rather lies in relative obscurity until some later date when it tends to hit like a bomb.

2. Globally it is particularly devastating because its results can come so far after the fact that almost everyone has forgotten about the original issue and is not prepared for the late reactions. War issues fall into this category and regardless of how issues are resolved for now, future repercussions will come back to haunt us. 

3. On a personal level the retrograde has strong implications around the planning and execution of future goals.  You should follow the carpenter’s advice; measure twice, cut once. 

4. Consider that hardly anything you see now will be the same in the future.  Even slight changes can have major effects down the road. 

5. Important lifestyle changes should be measured carefully.  If activation is not a particular necessity, you would be better off in delaying action until this ruler turns direct.

6. None of us have accurate crystal balls and the future is never cast in stone.  Therefore it is wise to weigh and balance all the elements when considering long-range plans or future commitments. 

Ruler #10 retrograde will transit one of the ten different event angles in your personal Bicircadian chart. That specific event angle will give you insight into which area you need to be extra mindful of for the long range plans and future commitments process. Reviewing your Personal Bicircadian Calendar for the Ruler #10 position during this transit time will give you that event angle information. Don’t have your calendar? Call or email us for ordering details.

The more we are aware of retrograde conditions and their possible influences, the more we are able to navigate through our life experiences with greater control and clarity.


“The big factor regarding your on-going existence is to maintain a continuity of life force in the Universe and consciousness has this continuity by virtue of the continuity of your experience. If there were a problem with the Universe, it would be Its enormity and infinity. Anything that is infinite can never know Itself because it is forever infinitely aware of an infinite amount that never stops. The way the Universe finds Its elements is by giving the same quality of awareness to Its parts. Some of the parts in the Universe are called consciousness. The Universe does not store Its knowledge. Consciousness stores the parts, the knowledge, of the Universe since consciousness does not have a problem with volume. Consciousness is the historian, the recorder for the Universe.

Consciousness is the keeper of the will. Will presages action. You cannot have action without will initiating action. What is will? It is indefinable. It is the characteristic of the Universe that produces action and motion. It is an indefinable Universal energy that has infinite ramifications so there is no way of saying, “Will is……” Will stands on its own. It holds on to the ability to initiation action.

Consciousness sustains Universal Law. Consciousness, as a part, becomes the supporter of the whole in its out-workings.

Look at this unique thing that we truly are. Consciousness maintains continuity, its sustains action and it stores wisdom. It supports Univerversal Law. Consciousness is, in effect anything the Universe is, could be and would ever want to be.

What we have here on earth is a little encapsulation of the Universe living in only a small infinitesimal corner of the room. The very character of consciousness is magnificent! How could we even presume to let it encapsulate in a body (a very little place) compared to what it is? How can consciousness express all its wisdom? How can it carry on its continuity? How can it support Universal Law? How can it use its will? It is like entrapping a beautiful stallion into a space of half the size of the horse. Yet it is done.

We must not look at consciousness as if it does not belong here. Of course it belongs here and it is here willingly. It just has a different methodology in which to exist. It carries with it all the storage information it has. What it does not have is the arena in which it can use and put out all of this energy and knowledge. Consciousness sits with the body, watching, observing, and recording. Your strength and power come from your consciousness because you have always had the wisdom. You are adding to that wisdom from experience.” – Gregge Tiffen

Beams Of Light

How often do we tune in to who we truly are? How much thought do we give each day to the reality that we are beams of light before incarnating into physical form? And just like those beams of light that are buoyant, vivacious, sparkling and free, our physical form holds within itself those same qualities. These qualities produce a joy that vibrates through all life. They throb in all the harmony of form around us. When we embrace these qualities and give them our individual attention and expression we discover again the REAL US; beams of beautiful light both infinite and eternal. Our source, or the Light Beam Maker if you will, cannot contain grief or sadness or dissonance. It has never, nor will it ever, have an intention to either threaten or harm us in any way.

May the understanding that we can never be separated from our source bring us great comfort and real strength in times of worldly disquiet. May us each find more valuable and abundant pathways to express our individual light as we physically walk through our experiences in this terrestrial school.” – Bonnie Beck