“How often do we tune in to who we truly are? How much thought do we give each day to the reality that we are beams of light before incarnating into physical form? And just like those beams of light that are buoyant, vivacious, sparkling and free, our physical form holds within itself those same qualities. These qualities produce a joy that vibrates through all life. They throb in all the harmony of form around us. When we embrace these qualities and give them our individual attention and expression we discover again the REAL US; beams of beautiful light both infinite and eternal. Our source, or the Light Beam Maker if you will, cannot contain grief or sadness or dissonance. It has never, nor will it ever, have an intention to either threaten or harm us in any way.
May the understanding that we can never be separated from our source bring us great comfort and real strength in times of worldly disquiet. May us each find more valuable and abundant pathways to express our individual light as we physically walk through our experiences in this terrestrial school.” – Bonnie Beck