Welcome to January 2020! It’s a brand new calendar year and most people use this month to make their new year resolutions. Some resolve to lose some extra pounds, quit a bad habit, clean up their finances, find the perfect job, get more training or education, improve a current love relationship, end a bad one, or find a new one and the list goes on. All of these are honorable resolutions and most worthy of our intentions, attentions and actions.
Adding the thoughts of being aware and looking forward to a wonderful new cycle filled with many opportunities for self discovery is also an important resolution. Since the Universe instills us with the same qualities IT has, infinite opportunities are always being made available to each of us. Learning to recognize them as they appear and taking the appropriate action to incorporate them into our life experience is a worthy pursuit. So is knowing where and when to draw the line from influences outside ourselves without personalizing what is being said by others. It is simply the recognition that those conversations are really just another person’s view of life. So regardless of whether we agree or disagree with what they have to say or show us, both the individual and the conversation of opportunity will always provide us with the other point of the two points required for reflection. From that two pointed line, our personal midpoint can be determined so that we will know where we are as individuals. “Life is truly a hall of mirrors with each of us serving as a point of reflection for one another.” – Gregge Tiffen
We will be completely clear of all retrogrades from January 12, 2020 through February 16, 2020. On February 17, 2020 Ruler #2 will begin its retrograde motion. A separate email will be sent in the next week or so outlining the duration and conditions to be aware of during the Ruler #2 retrograde.
May the month of January 2020 be the start of an exciting and fulfilling year of self discovery. And yes indeed, you are a very special, unique and intricate part of the omnipotent whole. My very best to each and EveryONE of you.