Hello EveryONE!
I will be out of pocket for the next couple of weeks beginning on Friday – February 18, 2022. I will have very limited access to email during this time and our office will be closed. Please be assured I will respond to your requests at the earliest opportunity upon my return.
I’m delighted to report that we are retrograde free until the end of April 2022 so let’s all enjoy this particular respite!
My very best to each and EveryONE of you,
“Dear Readers,
“I find more anymore that people are abandoning themselves to the pressures of our times. In these vital hours and days, it is essential that you give yourself time to retreat from the world and its incessant battles. Give yourself space to turn back into yourself in love and caring for what may be moments, hours, days or perhaps a few weeks. A little liniment of self appreciation will do wonders in healing those bruised spiritual muscles.
“Self love, in the form of self caring and restoration is essential to both body and spirit. Maybe you do not do everything “right” and maybe you did not come out a winner in every race. The truth of the matter is, all you have to do is to give it your best shot. That is all that is required – nothing more, nothing less.
“Remember, that almost everyone else has their own dragons to slay. Most people have no interest in cheering you on while they are protecting their own backsides. Rather than waiting for their approval, sit down and have a talk with yourself. Remind yourself how much you have accomplished, how brave you are, how committed you are to the job at hand and how fortunate you are to have abundant opportunities to learn.
“Also remember you are a child of the Universe. Love prevails and flows through you as caring nourishment. Be at peace and harmony with yourself. Smile at the world. Offer light in a sea of darkness. And, above all, appreciate your uniqueness and presence in the Universal scheme of things. Without your unique individuality none of us would survive.” – Gregge Tiffen