“Control is neither assumed correctly, administered correctly, nor is it accepted correctly by humanity. Everything here is ours, and as the natural progression of creation, we have the responsibility for taking dominion right down the line. Until we can get back to the concept of our Source, our dominion, and the planet in line with the Universal Plan, we make very little, if any, progress. Consciousness was produced from the non-physical state into the manifested state of humanity and now, because of free will, mankind can do its own thing. Are we not in a larger family? This is a very important point. If you keep tracing along this line, you will discover the true meaning in terms of Universal unity beyond that which you even dare dream. What you will find are very finite points of relationships, molecule to molecule, image to image and likeness to likeness.
Humanity – Part 2
What do we know about reflection? We know to have a reflection there must have been an image from which to reflect. That image was originally spiritual, humanity was manifested as a spiritual reflection and then left in charge to take dominion of the planet. Within the normal Universal Life Force, manifestation was done in a spiritual form by reflection, in the image of spirituality. The physically manifested form is the image of humanity’s spirituality through its phases.
Back to basics: The Universe creates Itself. How? By reflection. We know the image is a reflection of spirituality. I, as one-of-one reflect off of you as my polarity, and I create me. What I see reflected from you is me, and I create myself. I create by my spiritual awareness because all of creation has already been created before mankind was manifested on the planet. I am not creating something that does not already exist. I reflect off of you, and I create my spirituality. I can only match up what I see with that Universal form of spirituality that I can recognize.
What is the most logical thing to do if you are going to manifest anything in an area that is brand new to you? You draw upon that which you already know and what you had already imaged. You manifest an expression of you. The only thing you can manifest clearly is an expression of you. The whole concept of individuality and independence comes into your awareness at that point. The planet Earth creates from its characteristic of animal, vegetable and mineral. The Universe magnifies and multiples that creation and reinforces a greater action so that the whole cycle of life goes on. You act. The Universe magnifies your action and reinforces that action into a vital Life Force for greater action.
Security is to know that you are connected to Universal Source and that you are safe. Your consciousness always sees its experience in Universal terms and stores those experiences as wisdom. Those stored experiences are seldom available to your awareness on a day-by-day basis because of the intense demands of the current experiential requirements. Consequently, we are out of touch with that part of us that provides the greatest comfort and sense of wholeness. The demands of conditions, and other people can diminish your ability to stay in touch with your consciousness. It is your choice as to where you put the emphasis. You gain control over your surroundings by freeing your consciousness to feel the strength of the Universe. We are born with two eyes in order to have one eye on the Universe and one eye on the planet at all times! Getting back to consciousness is to let it have time and space. Let it do wat it wants to do.
In metaphysics, consciousness defies description. “Universal totality” comes close but that is just a hint. If we could define infinity, it would no longer be infinite and your consciousness is an integral part of your infinity. Symbolically, we can look at the total Universe as a body and each one of us a cell, a part of the Universal body in totality. Consciousness is energy that permeates every cell of your body and cannot be seen in a microscope, but it is the total feeling of knowing. “ I know that I know, but I cannot tell you how I know.” To be generous with yourself, give yourself over to the Universe and find yourself!
Use opportunities. Take your inherent knowledge to figure out what to do with what you already know. Prayer and meditation put a burden on consciousness that it is not designed to bear. It is designed to relive its own experiences in pure, free form. Consciousness is already wise and you are born brilliant regardless of who you are, where you were born, or what your physical condition appears to be. We are each expected to add to that brilliance through experience. There are things each of us can only do on our own. As we experience what we know, experience expands and becomes another part of what we know. When we examine the early explorers who circumnavigated the world, we find they learned by doing. They provided their own specific knowledge to experiences. Applied knowledge is aware experience that ultimately turns experience into wisdom.
I may not know who you are, but your existence, your presence, provides an image for me to reflect upon about myself which adds to my experience. Finally, one day, the point comes when I have followed my experience to where it leads me. I realize, in consciousness, that I have acquired all the experience that I want and I crawl into bed very content. My experience continues on. Nothing is held back in the continuation of the energy flow.” – Gregge Tiffen