“We have an abundant Universe. We have an infinite Universe. We have an omnipotent, creative Universe, and all of these things are available to us. We are willing to receive and willing to give thanks as an integral part of creation. The essence of such power is the essence of the creative force not only of the Universe but also of us as creative individuals. What must be understood is the natural course of an abundant Universe. The Universe can no more withhold than it can, in effect, destroy itself.
How does that affect you and me as a natural part of Universal power? To withhold ourselves from receiving Universal energy as a result of negative thinking and negative action, or to resist giving thanks from our point of awareness is to work against the flow of Universal energy. How often do we refute receiving? Every time we say, “I don’t have…I wish I had…and every time we look at our life and find some limitation. Every time we do that we are turning our back on receiving our harvest from the Universe to our spirit. We are refusing the abundance that is ours. We are saying to the Universe and to our spirit, “no thank you.”
We cannot transfer anything that we have refused to receive from the Universe and take into our own. We cannot give love if we cannot accept love from our Source. There is infinite love out there. There is infinite wisdom. There is infinite Joy. There is the same amount to the same degree for ourselves as there is for others. To think in terms of more fortunate or less fortunate locks us into ignorance that tells us we do not have right to harvest what we plant, what we nurture, and what we harvest. How do we accept what is rightfully ours? It is essential that we recognize what is given to us is a one-of-a-kind. There is not another one like you, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be. Such recognition allows us to accept, to give thanks and to use what the Universe provides for each of us. The power of giving thanks gives life its vitality!”
– Gregge Tiffen