Well, January 2018 blew right past me with so many end of year details meeting head on with setting up the new year details that I simply ran out of time to post the last update. So a belated Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2018 to each of you!
It looks like we are beginning this new year with some of pressures most of us experienced in 2017. That can take its toil when we are not fully aware that pressure requires some form of release. An earthquake is one of Mother Nature’s methods of releasing pressure from the deepest recesses of our planet. How many deep recesses of pressure are forming in own lives? Are we aware of what those pressures are and where they originate? Are we willing to discover and release them in a controlled and non-self-destructive way? Are we headed for a personal earthquake by ignoring our uniquely individual signals of pressure building? Do we understand ourselves well enough to know when to effectively release the pressure valves? Are we wise enough to depressurize long before we cause harm to ourselves (or others) mentally, physically and spiritually? Hopefully these questions will encourage us to use, discover or create those valves and apply them to help us circumvent the unpleasantness of personal earthquakes both minor and major. If you have any humorous, unique or creative methods you would like to share please let us know and we’ll make sure they get passed on!
Currently the heavens are clear of any retrograde activity and we certainly deserve a little break before we start the next round. On March 8, 2018 Ruler 6 will start its annual rebalance dance. A more detailed alert will be posted in early March.