When It Rains- It Pours

September 20, 2005 at 11:10:43 p.m.

It was Mark Twain who said. “Everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.”

Well, that may be a fair observation, but the truth of the matter is that we can do something about it.

Every one of the millions of people who live on this place we
call earth, affect the condition of the planet as the collective
consciousness. Weather is an atmospheric blanket that surrounds us. Just as we can toss and turn or lay peacefully under a blanket on our bed, so it is that our mental movements affect the atmosphere. This is not a physical issue but one of consciousness. The blanket we live under is influenced by our attitude, moment-by-moment, day-by-day. If we are angry, upset, fearful, exhausted, or in any way upsetting the normal flow of universal energy, we affect our weather. Unfortunately, we donĀ¹t necessarily affect the weather where we live. Our negative attitudes become accumulative and
builds a collective force in our atmosphere. That collective force will
seek out an area that is most receptive to it and that is usually the
weakest point in the atmospheric cover. Literally, a negative mass in our country can be the cause for a hurricane thousands of miles off our coast or, in some extreme cases be responsible for drought or disastrous rains in Europe. And, or course, that negative mass can stay at home and produce devastating weather patterns throughout the United States.

We must remember that we are the masters of the land on which we live. However, the essence of that land will always conform to the laws of nature and will, when necessary, react to rebalance the state of harmony that we, the inhabitants of the planet, have disrupted. The act of re-balancing will in almost all cases, be the source of what we call “natural disasters.” The state of planetary well being is not effected by “an act of God.” It is now and always a reflection of the state of our mass consciousness. It is very much a thermometer that indicates whether we are well or ill and whether we are taking care of our land the way we are supposed to.

Remember how much power you have and how important it is that you handle it wisely. Maintaining harmony in your individual space contributes to the harmony of the planet. Do not ignore your role in the quality of life here on earth. It is your input that contributes in determining whether tomorrow will be a beautiful day. – GT