Holidays (2001)

September 20, 2005 at 11:17:56 p.m.

As we move closer to that time of the year of great annual celebrations it might do well to stop and consider our place in the order of this planetary life.

As incarnated consciousness we have taken over a rather imperfect human form. This body of ours actually belongs to this planet and, as you already know, will remain behind when we decide to leave this experience. But until then it will have its demands and basic requirements, all of which is fundamental to every living creature on this planet.

Other than the basic need for survival we long to remain “part of the pack.” We fear exclusion and so make every effort to remain accepted and harmonious with the group. Whatever form that takes, it will manifest as the traditional mode of the “pack” and will draw us together in comfort and security. We call this collective need, “traditions.”

In basic format there is nothing wrong with following tradition. But one must remember that life here (or anywhere else) is an ongoing experience, one that should bring us to new awareness and new challenges. It is not wisdom we seek, but growth, and without traversing new fields of experience growth cannot take place.

To fulfill this requirement does not demand that we give up our traditions, but rather that we build and expand those traditions. In our celebration of this season we should always consider adding something new or reworking the old to add a new fresh flavor to it. This is simple enough to do with decorations and other visuals, but it is more important that the added element be one of attitude and belief. As we go about reaffirming our faith we should take the time to go inward and review our self; spiritually, mentally and physically. But, be careful. This is not supposed to be an exercise in self-recrimination. No doubt, mistakes have been made, but it is done and it’s time to move on.

Our return to traditional values and beliefs is the road onward and upward. In a season where we celebrate “the light,” remember that it is self-awareness that illuminates whatever darkness we are trying to see through. There is always so much to be done during this season but letting tradition burden your efforts is to take away the beauty and excitement of new discoveries.

So start your holiday activities with fresh ideas. Take your most cherished traditions and shake the dust from them, hang them in the sunlight and bring them back in refreshed and fragrant. It is no mistake that we have chosen the symbol of birth and a new baby and the brightness of light to mark this season. Rejoice! – GT