Other Worlds

September 20, 2005 at 11:34:45 p.m.

Living in this world has never been easy. From the dawn of ages, mankind has chosen to turn life into a struggle. Love and spirituality has always had to fight for breathing space, and progress of the spirit has always been slow.

But it need not be this way. There is a method by which you can live with this world without suffering through its ills and confusion. It is possible to grow in a life that is threatened by cruelty, malice and greed. To do so you must understand this:

There is not just one world available to you; there is another world and you have the power to chose in which one you wish to reside.

The first world is the world we have come to accept as the only one we can respond to. It is a world of war, mundane laws, illness and violence. It is a world run by multi-national corporations looking only for profit and nations seeking only aggrandizement of their ideology. It is a world of business, partnerships, parenthood, institutionalized education, military
budgets, AIDS, drugs, criminals and prisons, panic reporting, poisoned air, fast foods, polyester and mindless television. In short, it is the world we believe to be real.

But there is another world, not of this kind. Its location is no further than a few inches beyond the top of your head and the tips of your fingers. It is a world driven by your will and manifested by your mind. It is private space that can be colored in rainbow hues or black darkness. You can give this space away letting the outer world flood in upon you. It is a world of choice, not a world of must do. It sees and hears what the outside world is doing, but it does not react. It keeps the outside world, outside. It creates to meet its own self expression, not to please the demands of others. It hates not, fears not, envies not. It accepts love of self as the energy of life, not the love of others as a life necessity. It creates to manifest its own self expression, not to receive praise or servitude. It is a world that you control, not a world that controls you.

You will not likely live beyond a century. That is not much time if you consider that the Universe is infinite. In such a small space of time each moment is exquisitely valuable. Each day is unparalleled with multiple opportunity.

Stop looking outside yourself. Don’t listen to the howling of the madmen promising riches. If what you hold in your hand is not created by you then it is alien to you and it cannot improve you. The secret of life is your power as a co-creator. If you fail to use that power it will be forced upon you in terms that are not for your benefit. It is not the gold that it claims to be but nothing more than painted rock.

Promise yourself that this year you will exert your power, grow in your individuality, expand in wisdom and reflect only good. Universal intelligence is always working…promise yourself that you will co-create with it! – GT