Renew Versus New (Spring)

September 20, 2005 at 11:42:15 p.m.

Soon I will look out the window and see the pink blossoms on my peach tree. My neighbor’s line of crepe myrtle trees are beginning to show buds that will soon blush lavendar and white. My herb garden was planted over the weekend, so my passion for cooking will not go wanting for that special flavor that really turns an ordinary dish into a gourmet presentation. In short, Spring is about to burst on the scene. This is the time of year that most of us look to Nature and see everything in a state of reawakening.

We think of Spring as a time of renewal. But the word “renewal” is a contradiction in terms. If something is new it cannot be renewed. The very meaning of “new” is that which has not been produced before. But “renewal” is simply the act of remaking a condition that has existed before.

In metaphysics, repetition is considered one of the most negative of conditions. The reason is simple and obvious if one would but watch Nature and the surrounding Universe. On close inspection it becomes apparent that the Universe does not renew but rather is always moving forward and manifesting that which is truly new! The blossoms on the peach tree are not the blossoms of a year ago. The grass on the lawn comes up and covers the yard, but each blade is completely different from the grass of last year. Nothing in the Universe renews. Everything begins its own life in its own place with its own purpose.

Within this truth is a great metaphysical lesson. Humans are creatures of habit. Repetition is not only a major characteristic of our make-up, but we even strive to follow previous patterns. We are experts at “staying between the lines.” And, therein lies our downfall. By failing to make an experience new we recycle ourselves into stunted growth patterns. We fall out of sync with the Universe and produce boredom instead of development.

A marketing survey taken some years ago revealed that the two most effective words in advertising were, “new” and “free.” Why should this be so surprising, since “new” is the very word that automatically unlocks our basic Universal longing for improvement and development.

If you’re in a rut, sit down in some quiet place and start saying “new” over and over again. Watch what happens. Your body will feel as if you are throwing off constriction. There will be a sense of expansion. You will feel lighter, happier and more anticipatory. When you finish the exercise, there will no longer be a feeling of being stuck. Instead you will find yourself looking for something to do, seeking out a new approach and feeling confident that a positive pathway is in front of you. – GT